Marinated mackerel with gazpacho sorbet, yoghurt bonbon and Pago de Valdecuevas EVOO

Extra Virgin Olive Oil Pago de Valdecuevas


  / Intermediate


For the marinated mackerel:
Mackerel 1 Kg
Salt  500 gr.
Sugar  250 gr.
Water 100 ml.
Mirin 100 ml.
Vinegar 250 ml.

For the gazpacho sorbet:
Tomato sauce 100 gr.
Red pepper 10 gr.
Green pepper 10 gr.
Shallot 6 gr.
Peeled and
seeded cucumber  6 gr.
Tomato (pear variety) 25 gr.
Candeal bread  5 gr.
P. de Valdecuevas EVOO 15 gr.
Water 50 gr.
Sherry Vinegar 3 ml.

For the yoghurt and Pago de Valdecuevas EVOO bonbon:
Greek yoghurt 200 gr.
P. de Valdecuevas EVOO 50 gr.
Sugar 50 gr.
Sherry  vinegar Tt
Water 1 l.
Alginate  5 gr.
Xanthan gum 1,5 gr.
Gluco 3 gr.
ALSO: assorted sprouts.


• For the marinated mackerel: cut the fillet out and remove the bones. Remove the first skin layer carefully so you do not remove the second one and soak the mackerel in the salt and sugar mixture for ½ hour and then rinse well and place in the marinade for 20 more minutes, then remove from the marinade and set aside.

• For the gazpacho sorbet: put all the ingredients cut as if it were a traditional gazpacho and let set for a night in the fridge. The next day, grind thoroughly and put in the freezer.

• For the oil and yoghourt bonbon (inverted spherefication): place the water and alginate mixture in a bath and grind until it is bound. Add the 3 grams of gluco little by little mixing it with the yoghurt with a blender and then add the 1.5 gr of xanthan gum. Put the mixture in the alginate bath with the help of a lotus spoon until it spherifies, removing it from the water. We can keep the spheres in a sweet water bath.

Finishing touches and presentation:
With the help of a spoon, place the gazpacho sorbet on the plate.
Cut the mackerel fillets into 1cm thick medallions.
Place three pieces on each plate.
Garnish with two yoghurt bonbons and assorted sprouts.
Pago de Valdecuevas´ contribution to the dish:
It provides the sorbet with a creamy texture and it also acts as an anti-crystallizer.