This General Conditions of Use, Terms and Conditions of Sale and Privacy Policy (henceforth, “CU”) regulate the use of the web page www.valdecuevas.es (henceforth, “the Web Page”), belonging to Grupo Valdecuevas Agro, SLU (henceforth, “Grupo Valdecuevas”). Grupo Valdecuevas Agro is a Spanish limited liability company having its main office in Plaza Martí y Monsó 5, 1º, 47001 Valladolid, registered on the Company Register in Valladolid, Volume 981, Sheet 118, Page VA-13223, under Tax Identity Number B47027982. Valdecuevas provides by means of its web page www.valdecuevas.es useful information about its products and allows its customer to buy them online. It is however possible to get access to certain sections of the web page to any natural or legal person even if they do not get registered or start purchase procedures (henceforth, “the Users”). Regarding this, the Users who get access to those sections of the Web Page agree in using them according to the provisions included in the Terms and Conditions of this General Conditions of Use whenever they can be applied. Grupo Valdecuevas wants its Users to be aware of the fact that the Web Site is aimed exclusively to adults over 18 years old and that the European Unions is the territory where orders are accepted and shipped (henceforth, the “Territory”).
All prices in this web page include VAT and all due further taxes. They do not include shipping costs for the purchased products, which are detailed on differente sections and shall be accepted by the User during the purchase process.
Grupo Valdecuevas will make its best effort to satisfy its Users needs regarding products availability. However, some products may not be available on certain occasions due to reasons beyond our control, such as human errors or computer problems, even after the purchase product is finished. Being it the case, the user shall be duly informed by email and given notice of the total or partial cancellation of the order. Partial cancellation of an order due to lack of availability does not grant a total cancellation of the order. In case the user wanted to return delivered goods because of this cancellation, he/she shall act according to provisions in the Returns section.
The buyer is obliged to pay at the moment of placing the order. Shipping rates shall be added to the original product prices offered in the web page. Those rates shall be nonetheless reported to the User before finishing the purchase. The receipt or proof of purchase shall be available and sent by means of email to the address submitted by the User when registering. The purchaser shall pay for the relevant order by means of credit or debit card -Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Visa Electron and/or other equivalent cards – or by Paypal system. The User shall notify any improper or fraudulent charge made to the card used for the purchase, by notice submitted through email or telephone call, at the shorter time possible, so Grupo Valdecuevas may be able to take duly measures.
Once the order is completed, i.e.when the CU are accepted and the purchase is confirmed, Grupo Valdecuevas shall always send the User an email to confirm the details of the purchase.
Grupo Valdecuevas shall accept order cancellation when they are applied for before the end of the day of the purchase. Grupo Valdecuevas shall exclusively accept order cancellations IN THIS PERIOD OF TIME. To apply for the cancellation of your order, please, WRITE an email to info@pagodevaldecuevas.es with your request adding the proof of purchase to ensure you are the purchaser. Once the shipping is done, cancellation shall not be deemed possible due to the personal nature, destination and purpose of our products.
I. Delivery. Grupo Valdecuevas is commited to deliver the product in perfect conditions at the address the User notifies in the order form as long as it is located within the accepted Territory. We kindly request the User to use a delivery address available within normal working hours. The order shall be delivered in person in return for a signed receipt. Whether the User is not at that place at the moment of delivery, the shipping company shall leave notice to allow the User to establish contact and negotiate a new delivery date or place. The shipping company establishes the transport rates that appear in our website. Grupo Valdecuevas shall not be deemed responsible for any misdeed caused during the delivery process whenever the delivery address submitted at the order form is not right or lacks information.
II. Delivery date. Products shall be delivered within an average period of 1–2 working days within the Iberian Peninsula territory and 3-5 working days for the rest of the Territory, being this a mere estimation. They may also vary depending on logistical difficultes or force majeure cases. In case of delay, Grupo Valdecuevas shall informe its clients as soon as it is aware of it. Every delivery shall be deemed completed at the moment when the shipping company provides the User with the product and the company confirms the fact by means of its control system. In case of delay for causes under Grupo Valdecuevas’s responsibility, the User shall be allowed to cancel his/her order in accordance with the procedures described in Section “Return Procedures”. It shall not be considered delays those cases in which the shipping company provides the User with the product within the agreed period of time but the product has not been delivered for causes under the User’s responsibility.
III. Delivery Data, Unsuccessful deliveries and Loss. Wether the User is absent at the moment of delivery, the shipping company shall leave notice to allow the User to establish contact and negotiate a new delivery date or place. When a new delivery appointment is not scheduled after 7 working days after the product firstly left for delivery, the User shall be entitled to contact Grupo Valdecuevas. If the User does not proceed as suggested, the product shall return to our stores after 15 working days since the product firstly left for delivery and the User shall be take charge of delivery expenses and return or the goods, as well as possible derived management expenses. If the order could not be delivered due to loss, our shipping company shall investigate the facts. Reaction periods in those cases may vary between one and three weeks.
IV. Diligent Delivery. It is advisable that the User checks the good conditions of the package at the moment of reception. Wether, once checked, the User detected any problem in the packet, such as shock, breackage, evidences that it has been opened or any further damage caused during shipping, the User is entitled to not accepting the package. The shipping company shall inform of this to Grupo Valdecuevas and, after confirming damanges, the User shall be entitled to have the purchase value returned or have the order newly placed.
The User may return any unsatisfying product at his/her own expense in a period of 14 days from the delivery date. Grupo Valdecuevas shall only accept returns when the following conditions are met: 1. Products shall be in the same conditions as when it was delivered, keeping its original undamaged and sealed wrapping. 2. Shipping shall be done in the same package originally used or, in default, in another similar enough to ensure that the product shall arrive in perfect conditions. 3. 3.A copy of the delivery note/invoice shall be attached, including returned goods and reason for the return. With the purpose of easing the return of the product for the Users and the monitoring of the process, whenever the cause for return was responsibility of Grupo Valdecuevas (faulty product, wrong order, etc), this service shall be free of charge. For different causes (unsatisfaying products), Grupo Valdecuevas shall return the amount paid for the products but not the shipping expenses, which shall be deducted from the returned money depending on the amount. To apply for the return of your order, please, write an email to info@pagodevaldecuevas.es with the “subject” RETURN ORDER No. and specifying which products you would like to return within the returning time. You may also contact us by telephone no. +34 983 361 029. Grupo Valdecuevas shall contact the User as soon as possible.
Grupo Valdecuevas has all rights on content, design and source code of this web page and particularly and including – but not limited to – photographies, pictures, texts, logos, designs, brands, commercial names and data included in this web page. Notice is given to the Users that all rights are protected by current Spanish and International Law on intellectual and industrial property. Without prejudice to this, the content on this web page is likewise considered a computer program and is hence under current Spanish and European regulations on the matter. It is absolutely forbidden to totally or partially reproduce this web page, not even through hyperlink, or any of its contents without specific and written consent by Grupo Valdecuevas. It is also forbidden to copy, reproduce, adapt, modify, distribute, sell, communicate publically and or any further action which may be considered to break current Spanish and/or International Laws on intellectual and industrial property, as well as the use of the web page contents without previous specific and written authorisation by Grupo Valdecuevas. Grupo Valdecuevas hereby informs that it shall not implicitly authorise or allow its intellectual or industrial rights to be used, or any other right or property directly or undirectly related with the contents in this web page.
The Users are entirely responsible of their own behaviour when accessing the information on the web page while surfing and after accessing. As a consequence, the Users are the only responsibles before Grupo Valdecuevas and third parties: 1.consequences derived from the use of any web contents for any illicit purpose or effect or contrary to this document, made or not by Grupo Valdecuevas and published or not with its official name; 2.consequences which may derive from from an use contrary to the content of this document and harming for the interests or rights of third parties or which may harm, damage, render the web page useless or its services or render impossible to enjoy them. Grupo Valdecuevas reserves the right to upgrade its contents when it is deemed necessary, as well as erase them, limit them or deny its access either temporary or definetly, and deny access to the web page to those Users who missuse he contents and/or break any or the conditions included in this document. Grupo Valdecuevas informs that it does not guarantee that: 1. The access to the web page and or the linked web pages is uninterrupted or lacking a mistakes 2.the content or software the Users may access to by means of the web page or the linked pages may not contain any mistake or computer virus or any content which may alter their systems, or electronic documents or files stored in their PC or may cause further damage; 3 the use given to the information or contents from the web page or the linked pages by the Users for personal purposes. All information contained on this web page shall be considered by the Users as some kind of guiding information both for its intention and its purpose. Due to this: Grupo Valdecuevas does not guarantee the accurancy of any information contained on this web page and shall not deemed responsible for any prejudice or harm caused to the Users arising from any lack of accurancy in this web page.
Grupo Valdecuevas shall not be deemed responsible for the following situations, among others: 1.The use given by the Users to the materials included on this web page or the linked web sited, being them forbidden or allowed, whenever they break intellectual or industrial property rights both of this page and of others. 2.Eventual damage and prejudices to the Users caused by a malfunctioning of the search tools, the organisation or the location of contents and/or access to the web page and, in general terms, to all mistakes or problemas dervied from the developement or implementation of the technical elements that the web page or a program may provide to the User. 3.The contents of those web pages linked to our web site and which the Users and Members may enter, either authorisedly or not. 4.The acts or lack of acting by others, without prejudice of these parties being linked by legal agreement to Grupo Valdecuevas or not. 5.The access of underaged children to the contents of our web page, being their parents and guardians responsible for the appropriate supervision of their children, or for the instalation of some Internet control tool with the purpose of avoiding (i) the access of the children to materials or contents not deemed suitable for them; and (ii) the non authorised sending of personal details 6..Communication or dialogues within the debates, chattings and conversations which may take place in virtual communities and organised deriving from the web page surroundings. We shall not be considered responsible for any harm or prejudiced suffered by the Users or Members deriving from those communications and conversations…
In case any of this CU is rendered null, the remaining clauses shall still considered valid and shall be interpreted in accordance with the parties’ will and the purpose of this CU. Grupo Valdecuevas may not exercise some of the rights and powers granted by means of this document – which in no case means a withdrawal to its rights except for a written notice on the matter by Grupo Valdecuevas prior to the relevant action appropriate depending on the case.
Grupo Valdecuevas Agro S.L.U. reserves the right to modify at any moment the layout and configuration of the Web Site, as well as this General Conditions. Thus, Grupo Valdecuevas recommend the User to carefully read them any time he/she enters the Web Page. The Users shall always have this CU placed at a visible spot and available for any potential consultation. The acceptance of this CU shall be, nonetheless, an essential requirement previous to purchasing any good by this Web Page.
This General Conditions are under Spanish Law. In case of controversy derived from this General Conditions and in order to solve any kind of disagreement, the parties shall submit the case to the district courts of the User, by renouncing by their own will to any other jurisdiction.